«None  of us know what we all know together. »


Team Coaching Offer

Coaching a team means supporting them in the long term to help them optimize their operating methods, increase their performance and achieve their goals.

Contact me so I can accompany your transformations and help you to overcome your difficulties.

How can I help you ?

My team support is based on years of experience, qualified professional coaching training at HEC, complementary approaches (Gestalt, neuroscience, systemic, positive psychology, narrative approach, co-development) and an impeccable professional deontology.

What is the team coaching process ?

Team coaching is a process built on-custom that unravelsoverseveral months and in three stages.


This step is necessary to prioritize issues, understand the nature of the difficulties to be solved, define and validate the specific approach.

Coaching activities conduct

It’s the implementation of all the actions and workshops proposed in the process.


Including reminder days to anchor changes in time and communicate with each team member.

